Texas Southern University (TSU) College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is located in Houston, Texas. The school was founded in 1949 and is considered among the best pharmacy programs in the country. In recent rankings, TSU College of Pharmacy was ranked in the top on hundred pharmacy schools and programs because of the fine courses, faculty and facilities it provides for its students. The school has a mission and goal of producing highly competent and productive members of the health care community who are patient-focused and do their best to serve their communities through medicine therapy, programs and services.
TSU College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences offers several degree options for potential students. Masters of Science degrees are available in Pharmaceutical Sciences, along with a Ph.D. in Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. Tuition at the college is $12,740.00 for an in-state resident and $18,765.00 for an out-of-state resident of the school for someone going for a Pharm.D. degree. For Masters and Ph.D. classes, the program offers a tuition of $510.00 per credit hour for in-state students and $1,030.00 per credit hours for out-of-state students. Programs of study include areas in Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice, including opportunities for hands-on experience and training.
Website: http://www.tsu.edu/academics/colleges__schools/College_of_Pharmacy_and_Health_Sciences/