There are four Pharmacy Schools in Georgia for people who want to become pharmacists or certified pharmacy technicians. Among the accredited colleges are Mercer University, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, South University and The University of Georgia.

Mercer University and University of Georgia both offer programs for Doctor of Pharmacy. However, University of Georgia provides advanced pharmacists programs like PhD in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics.

To become a pharmacist, a student needs to complete a 6 year program in which 2 years are dedicated to pre-pharmacy education. After that, 4 years of professional studies are required, but in the end students can expect a good salaried job.

The salary that a pharmacist gets depends on their job title or position. In Georgia, the minimum salary given to a Hospital Pharmacy Technician is $34,000 annually whereas a Clinical Pharmacy Supervisor earns somewhere around $185,000 annually. The salaries for different pharmacy jobs lies between these two extremes in Georgia.

The data given above has been collected from an HR report for March 2014. Pharmacy study is definitely a good option for students looking to earn good salary. Click through to find out more on Pharmacy Schools in Georgia.